Category Archives: Graph-R for Mac

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.8

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added the ability to select the type of scale interval on the scale.
– Added the ability to specify the color of the legend.
– Modified to read the first line of the CSV file.
– Added the ability to specify the position and size of the legend.
– Added the axis setting.

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.7

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added the ability to display a label and unit on the scale.
– Added the ability to display a label on the legend.
– Changed the default setting of DataFormat 5, 6, and 23.
– Added the ability to display an image on the scale plane.
– Added a bar chart to the frequency distribution of the legend.
– Added a data file of binary format.
– Added a setting file of binary format.

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.6

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added the setting (translate, scale, rotate) of the perspective of a graph.
– Added a data data format 112 (X, Y, Z format, non-grid-data compatible, projection plane specified format) of the CSV file.
– Added a data data format 113 (X, Y, Z data format, non-grid-data compatible, projection plane specified format) of the CSV file.
– Added the setting of the plane of the scale.
– Supported to retina display the icon on the toolbar.

Graph-R for Mac ver.1.5

The “Graph-R for Mac” has been upgraded the following:
– Added a data format 4 (X(minimum,interval), Y(minimum,interval), Z data format) of the CSV file.
– Added a data format 5 (vector) of the CSV file.
– Added a data format 6 (vector, color specification) of the CSV file.
– Added a data format 23 (bubble, radius, and color specification) of the CSV file.
– Added the ability to display the feature line of the face.
– Added the ability to display the outside line of the face.
– Added the ability to display a bar graph.
– Added the ability to select the display type of point.
– Added the reading of CSV file separated by semicolon(;).